2019/20 2020/21
£ £
Standard rate 20% 20%
Reduced rate 5% 5%
Zero rate 0% 0%
Flat rate of VAT on gross turnover (for limited cost trader) 16.5% 16.5%
Normal scheme registration threshold £85,000 £85,000
Deregistration threshold £83,000 £83,000
Cash accounting scheme – maximum to join £1,350,000 £1,350,000
Cash accounting scheme – exit threshold £1,600,000 £1,600,000
Annual accounting scheme – maximum to join £1,350,000 £1,350,000
Annual accounting scheme – exit threshold £1,600,000 £1,600,000
Flat-rate scheme – maximum allowed to join £150,000 £150,000
Flat-rate scheme exit threshold £230,000 £230,000